When the 1000 petaled lotus opens, you experience an awakening. Today, you choose to start the process and to flow into a higher state of consciousness reopening your cosmic connection. Everything you need to know is available to you. You just have to ask. And you have to be able to accept as well as work with the response you receive.
Sit with your spine upright…
– Take 10 breaths – 5 deep and slow; 5 easy and without effort.
– With each breath imagine the violet Crown Chakra revealing itself to you at the top of your head.
– With each breath consciously connect to your higher consciousness and tune into it. With each breath consciously allow yourself to turn inwards and reach out for your highest self.
Now lie down and choose to go deeper and higher. This is a moment of magical surrender. You will be tuning into a realm of higher consciousness and make sure you focus on grounding yourself during the first 10 minutes of the healing meditation you are now going to tune into.
When you finish this meditation, rest. Remain lying down for a bit. Take a nap if needed. Do not repeat this for at least the next 11 days. If you feel dizzy, breathe deep and do the grounding meditation immediately. You’ve traveled to a higher realm and your body might need a little more time to adapt.
During the week, observe any coincidences without reading into it too much. Let yourself flow and experience a deep sense of faith.