Chetna Chakravarthy

Chetna Chakravarthy

Chetna is a Life Coach and Healing Practitioner practicing PositiveAction Coaching,  Chakra Healing, Bio-Touch and Oracle Card Reading.
She believes in empowering people who come to her seeking answers. Her sense of reality and practical approach towards healing enables her clients to make changes and sustain healthy habits as they move towards living life to the fullest in alignment with their desires and highest good.

She runs one-on-one programs where she works closely with clients over a period of time to bring about a holistic transformation within their
being and in their lives. She also develops and runs online self-help modules for those who’d like to go on a journey self-discovery and growth.
Her podcast, Positively Unlimited, is a wonderful series of life hacks in 10-min episodes. From anxiety to relationship rules, through her podcast
she touches upon subjects we deal with on a daily basis in an honest and practical way.  And while you’re at it, make sure you also check out
her Youtube channel where she shares life lessons in a powerful series called Turning 40.

Chetna also collaborates with Natasha and her company, Anamcara Yoga Retreats, joining her on her retreats across India as well as internationally – Goa, Coorg, Kanha, Croatia and Egypt. She loves the energy that group healings generate and, so hosts and
conducts webinars as well. Another feather in her cap was a community called Mind It focused on creating positive shifts in the field
of Wellness & Mental Health that she created with well-known Bollywood Actress Sarah Jane Dias.

She has these two rules she abides by… in her words…

1. If you come to me you must leave with hope, strength and eventually joy.

2. If you have to keep coming back to me beyond a certain point, we aren’t doing something right.

“I’m often asked how I came to practice the modalities I do. Our being is made up of 4 aspects – physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual. Simply put, between Bio-touch, Chakra Healing and Life Coaching I’m able to help individuals realign their body, mind, heart and spirit.
Imbalances in one aspect will impact the other three… that’s inevitable… and the same rule applies to change.
Remember, tiny choices lead to big transformations.”