A series of one-on-one coaching sessions, where Chetna gently guides you to address problems through positive thinking and positive action. If you have goals and desires, but are unable to make any progress towards it, the Positive Action Program is the way to break through those obstacles blocking your path to success.
A three month journey of implementable change; executable plans of action created together in weekly sessions of 60 minutes each. Be it about building mental or emotional resilience, about healing relationship patterns, or about achieving career goals; this program is about unlearning old ways of being while building new and powerful thinking and feeling patterns that lead one to success.
Healing requires shifting the energy within our subconscious being as well as changing our conscious habits. The Realign Chakras program is a series of sessions involving deep meditative healing using our body’s subtle energy centers, our seven chakras. This program brings together the powerful technique of chakra healing to help cleanse one’s subconscious with the most effective aspects of PositiveAction to help build new and healthier conscious habits.
This two month journey involves one 90 minute session per week and aims at creating a holistic shift in your internal energy such that your external reality has no choice but to transform.
Clarity and willingness, these are most often the two biggest reasons why we don’t live the kind of life we want to live. The six weekly sessions of Positive Circle program are set in a way that you move from understanding what you want to building conviction to make it happen.
This program is recommended for anyone who is ready to level up for it involves diving deep into our minds to understand our belief systems and the values that influence our decisions. The six weeks you invest in yourself will change the way you view yourself and your world. Tiny shifts in our perceptions make everything look different; it makes living a different life a possibility.