Chetna Chakravarthy

Realign Chakras Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Chakras are energy centers within our subtle body. While our being consists of over hundred chakras (major and minor), spiritual sciences and healing techniques focus on seven main energy centers or the seven chakras.

Muladhara or Root Chakra

Svadhishthana or Sacral Chakra

Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

Anahata or Heart Chakra

Vishuddha or Throat Chakra

Ajna or Third Eye Chakra

Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

Each chakra resides within our spinal column starting from our tailbone and rising up to our crown or the top of our head. The energy of each chakra is associated with specific physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual functions and purposes.

Imagine you are listening to the radio. When you want to listen to Bollywood music, you’ll tune into a specific channel, right? Similarly if you want to listen to English tracks or then old Hindi music, you’ll choose a channel accordingly. If you want to listen to Michael Jackson or Taylor Swift, you obviously will not tune into Radio Mirchi, right? Now imagine this universe is a gigantic radio. When our chakras are imbalanced we are tuning into the wrong channel while expecting a specific genre or track to play. We are dancing out of tune and are not in sync with the rhythm of our lives and desires. 

But when our chakras are aligned and the life force flows smoothly, we find ourselves in the right place at the right time connecting to appropriate people or opportunities. We experience a state of peace, joy and oneness.

However I must also point out here that Chakras are not meant to be constantly in a state of balance. Misalignment and realignment is a function of living appropriately. The flow will get blocked whether we like it or not and we must with awareness realign ourselves everyday.

If you see a pattern repeating in your life, you have an addiction – physical, intellectual or emotional, you have chronic ailments – these are just some obvious ways in which one can recognise and identify the imbalance of energy within the subtle body. 

There are many ways to realign and balance one’s chakras. Physically, yoga is a great method. Reiki and Pranic healing are energy healing ways of balancing ones chakras. Some practitioners also use crystals and sound healing is another very effective way to realign ones energies. 

I use guided meditation or visualisations to realign a client’s Chakras. I run an 8-session program where I use life coaching tools to help realign the conscious mind while using chakra visualisation to realign the subconscious.

We can also learn to meditate upon our chakras. It usually takes 20 minutes to move from root to crown chakra. This is a habit of self- practice and can be quite beneficial in many ways. 

At first the changes can be subtle shifts in the way we respond to situations. Over time it can be more evident in terms of opportunities coincidentally coming our way. Eventually it’s this sense of clarity and strength one experiences within. Awareness is heightened and a sense of thrive can be felt.

It’s not a treatment… I wouldn’t call it that. Anyone and everyone should work on their chakras. I find it to be the easiest way to release emotional baggage and breakthrough unhealthy patterns. Also, as mentioned earlier, I run an 8-session Realign Chakras program and you can read more about it under the Programs section.

As mentioned earlier, there are many ways in which Chakra Healing is done. However, if opting for a meditative method, please do at least 4 sessions. Personally, I run an 8-session program and we focus on one chakra at a time.

If you’d like to do a single session, I’d recommend you book a consult call. However, it takes more than one session to heal and grow.

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