Vision Board

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Your vision board is your official memo to the universe, it’s your blueprint, your map.

Welcome to this week of discovery and choosing to align. Through a combination of writing exercises, visualizations and coaching, this e-course will help you gain clarity about your desires and a sense of direction. This 6-day course will teach you to look forward with a an action oriented mindset. By breaking down your vision into tangible goals with concrete plans of action, you will understand the concept of desires driven by intentions.

Before you begin, here are a few instructions and pro-tips to keep in mind:

  • – There are 6 exercises to be completed over 6 days. Some exercises may take you a minimum of 20 minutes to complete and some longer.
  • – Since these exercises are broken down from a 2-hour Vision Board workshop I conduct, you could also do all 6 exercises in one sitting, in one day. Yes, this is an option and hence all exercises are available to you from the get go.
  • – Maintain a diary or notebook for this week.  It’s best to keep all your thoughts, desires, intentions and energies in one place for now.
  • – Please set-up a quiet place and time when doing these exercises. Keep your earphones handy; they can be of great help when doing the visualizations.
  • – If you have doubts, questions… You don’t understand something… Sit With It. We all need to embrace any uneasiness we experience. One of the lessons the Vision Board comes with is to be patient and let certain answers come to us in time. However, I have also collated some of the commonly asked questions under the FAQs section.
  • – If you’d like to book a session once you have created your vision board, click here. To know more about the one -on-one programs I run click here and to sign up for another e-course click here.