We are all co-creators of our life.
Yes, read that statement again; let it sink in. It makes two truths very clear –
1. You are responsible for your experiences; you have a hand in it all.
2. Without you there is no ‘your life’; you have to show up and live it all.
This week you have signed up for, is one phase of two in the process of manifestation. When you become clear about your desire, you need to do two things – rise up by tuning into the frequency of abundance and step out of your way by tuning out of the low vibration of unwarranted fears. Breakthrough To Manifest is about raising your vibration by breaking free of unhealthy thinking & feeling patterns as well as releasing and realigning your fears.
Personally, I align the two phases of this process with the moon. Breaking through is aligned to the New Moon while tuning in aligned to the Full Moon. This is a completely personal choice and you do not have to align your energies to the moon. You can choose to do this process indepedent of where the moon is in the sky that week.
A few things to take note of to set-up for the next 6 days:
Fix a time for the next 6 days. If you are doing this in conjunction with the new moon, it’s preferable to choose a time at night once the moon is up.
Set-up a spot or corner that is quiet and comfortable. Light a candle or incense to evoke a sense of calm. Make sure you have a backrest; you will need it for the visualisations and meditations. Please ensure meditate sitting up and not lying down.
Each exercise will take you approximately 30 minutes. Make sure you inform everyone to not disturb you during this time and put your phone on silent.
You will need a book & pen to do the writing exercises. It’s recommended to maintain the same diary through the week.
Also, please ensure you do both – the writing exercise as well as the visualisation in one sitting, one after the other. With this last instruction, take a deep breath and click on day one’s process when you have set-up your space and are ready to take the plunge.
If you would like to complete the Tune In To Manifest process after these 6 days, I’d recommend keeping a 7-day gap and then signing up for it by clicking here.