Grounding is an ancient practice to stay centered and in alignment with our spirit, core values and strengths,
Physically, think about earthing. Yes, that’s an electrical term. The wires running through your house need to have earthing so that they don’t short circuit. Similarly, grounding your physical energy prevents your body from feeling rattled, restless, anxious or off kilter.
Walking barefoot on grass, sand, natural sources of water like the waves on the beach, a river or a stream are all physical ways of grounding your body. Standing postures in Yoga also help ground our energies.
But given the lives we live going for a walk in nature isn’t always possible and so we turn to meditation. Connecting to your breath and meditating upon your breath is a powerful way of staying connected to your core. However, many of us find it hard to put our mind on pause and just focus on our breath. So then what other options are there?
Well, visualisations are another powerful way of grounding your energies. You can download the beautiful grounding meditation below and experience it first hand. Our minds respond very well to visuals and stories and so this particular meditation can help you center yourself in no time.
When to use this meditation?
– As a daily practice, any time during the day. It takes 30 minutes.
– If you are not sleeping well or have issues with getting sleep. Plug it in and meditate yourself to sleep. If it doesn’t work at first, continue for at least 11 consecutive days before giving up.
– If you are feeling anxious, meditate with this audio clip everyday especially when the anxiousness starts creeping up.
– If you have clinically diagnosed anxiety and can meditate, this is a great tool to add to your daily routine to help you cope and move towards complete healing.
– If you are going through an emotionally difficult time and feeling lost and/or unsupported.
– If you are going a period of uncertainty.
A word of caution though – This is not a magic pill. It can help you resolve certain issues like sleeplessness, anxiousness and emotional unease. However, it cannot solve all your problems and in many cases this grounding meditation is just a support element in your quest to solve something troublesome in your life.